Tuesday, February 20, 2007


OK, I have to cleanse my palate from this whole iMAC thing.

And what better way than for me to once again dive into the deep-end of the BUDGET BIN!

My favorite budget label, HIT RECORDS had a few subsidiary labels, one of which was SPAR RECORDS. Toward the late 'sixties they came up with the in-house studio group concept of THE NOW GENERATION. My understanding is that Jimmy Buffett somehow had something to do with this aggregation. I neither know nor care much about MISTER PARROT-HEAD, but it may be of importance to you bald-headed, Hawaiian Shirt-Wearing Accountants out there who do. (Whew - where'd that hatred come from? All I know is I need more RAM for the iMAC. And I'm still stumped on the compatibility issue vis a vis the "Dazzle" A/V port.)

Deep, cleansing breath...

Where was I? Oh yeah, The NOW Generation. Here are some super-groovy examples of their SPAR LPs...

Here are a few "other" NOW Generations that were NOT on the SPAR Label. They look pretty "outta sight" as well, don't you think?

Compare these to the evil-looking PROJECTION COMPANY album:

Ahhhh... I feel lots better now. Thanks for indulging me! iMAC? What's an iMAC?



Blogger Judy said...

Once you figure out that iMAC, you're going to "sock it to" all of us.

My first computer was a Mac, then I had to switch to whatever they called the other kind back then because business software was generally more in use by the non-Mac folks. I couldn't understand why it had to be so complicated.

I'm sure you're struggling right now, but pretty soon you're probably going to wonder why the rest of us haven't made the switch too. (At least that's what my Canadian chums who use Mac's tell me).

So... read the "Dummies" book, take a break and listen to some great music... read some more... ; )

By the way, all of my mother's side of the family were Canadian - mostly descended from Loyalists who refused to fight in the American Revolution. I'm proud of that heritage.

February 20, 2007 3:33 PM  
Blogger Max and Me said...

i bet you will have fun figuring it out. i haven't heard the phrase "sock it to me" since laugh in. i feel old.

February 20, 2007 7:55 PM  
Blogger whimsical brainpan said...

So what exactly is glowing between that lady's legs on the Sock it to Me cover?

February 21, 2007 1:17 AM  
Blogger Craig D said...

whim: So, you noticed that ,too?

wiz: Thanks for the encouragement. The anxiety about figuring out how the OSX operates isn't as great as my nerdly preoccupation with putting the system together. The thing came with 256Meg of RAM, but it looks like it has to be upgraded to 1Gig to work the the applications I want to use. See? I'm obsessing on it. Need... more... groovy... budget... albums...

meander: You can be our official "Sock-It-To-Me" girl. A modern-day Judy Carne! You bet your sweet bippy!

February 21, 2007 7:19 AM  

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