Holiday DVD Binge
What did I get for Christmas, you ask?
Well, in addition to a couple DVDs received as Christmas Presents I was also given a $75 gift certificate for CIRCUIT CITY.
Oh, yeah. Daddy likes... Daddy likes!
1. HELP! My sister-in-law, Denise got me the new double-disc set of this 1965 movie starring The Beatles. Whew, what a restoration job they did on this old Eastman Color film! I had a 16mm color print back in the 80s that was really, really nice but this blows it away.
The songs have been re-mixed for 5.1, but that is meaningless to a Neanderthal like myself. I can play the soundtrack through my stereo, which was really nice, but I don't have that whole surround sound rigging.
The second disc has some nice bonus features. Nothing life-changing, but I'm glad they're there.
2. Walt Disney Treasures - On The Front Lines. This is a two-DVD collection that came out a couple years back. I missed buying it then, darn it. My Father-In-Law found a bunch at SAM'S CLUB and grabbed me a copy as Christmas Gift.
Good move, Dennis!
This set has a whole bunch of shorts that the Disney studios produced during WWII. There's a mother lode of propaganda, entertainment and instructional titles here. Also included is the entire "Victory Through Air Power" feature.
There are some nice interviews and gallery bonuses, too. I'm not a WWI buff, but as an animation nerd, this is essential!
Saturday, I ran over to Circuit City to see what $75 worth of gift card would buy.
I've been trying to get an iMac configured so that I can edit video files and burn DVDs. I had a vague idea that I might be able to buy some more SDRAM memory or a video capture device that is Mac compatible.
No such luck, so it was onto the DVD bins...
I wanted to score a copy of The Osawald The Rabbit cartoon set that had been released as a one of the latest "Walt Disney Treasures." No gots at Circuit City!
OK, how about the new THREE STOOGES collection that Sony/TriStar?Columbia put out? The shorts are mastered from the original negatives and the reviews from on-line Stooge-Fans have been rapturous. Hmmm... also a "no gots" at CC!
All riiiiight... What do they have?
A-ha! Seinfeld Box sets for $16.99 each! Now we're talkin'! I picked up Seasons seven and eight, as I already had seasons one through six. Sweet!
Hmmm... what else to get?
Oh, there's that "TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE" movie I wanted to see. Michelle and I got hooked on old THUNDERBIRDS shows back when we had sattellite TV, oh so long ago. So did Trey Parker and Matt Stone, so they made a whole feature using marionettes. I see where this is not so highly rated, but I got it any way.
Oh, wow! Here's that two disc set of "THAT THING YOU DO" that I heard about. As a 'sixties garage band nut, you can just imagine how much I like this movie. And here's a two-and-a-half hour "director's cut" of it! Ah, Bliss!
Movie, movies, movies!!!
Now, if I can only find the time to watch them...
Well, in addition to a couple DVDs received as Christmas Presents I was also given a $75 gift certificate for CIRCUIT CITY.
Oh, yeah. Daddy likes... Daddy likes!

The songs have been re-mixed for 5.1, but that is meaningless to a Neanderthal like myself. I can play the soundtrack through my stereo, which was really nice, but I don't have that whole surround sound rigging.
The second disc has some nice bonus features. Nothing life-changing, but I'm glad they're there.

Good move, Dennis!
This set has a whole bunch of shorts that the Disney studios produced during WWII. There's a mother lode of propaganda, entertainment and instructional titles here. Also included is the entire "Victory Through Air Power" feature.
There are some nice interviews and gallery bonuses, too. I'm not a WWI buff, but as an animation nerd, this is essential!

I've been trying to get an iMac configured so that I can edit video files and burn DVDs. I had a vague idea that I might be able to buy some more SDRAM memory or a video capture device that is Mac compatible.
No such luck, so it was onto the DVD bins...
I wanted to score a copy of The Osawald The Rabbit cartoon set that had been released as a one of the latest "Walt Disney Treasures." No gots at Circuit City!
OK, how about the new THREE STOOGES collection that Sony/TriStar?Columbia put out? The shorts are mastered from the original negatives and the reviews from on-line Stooge-Fans have been rapturous. Hmmm... also a "no gots" at CC!
All riiiiight... What do they have?
A-ha! Seinfeld Box sets for $16.99 each! Now we're talkin'! I picked up Seasons seven and eight, as I already had seasons one through six. Sweet!
Hmmm... what else to get?
Oh, there's that "TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE" movie I wanted to see. Michelle and I got hooked on old THUNDERBIRDS shows back when we had sattellite TV, oh so long ago. So did Trey Parker and Matt Stone, so they made a whole feature using marionettes. I see where this is not so highly rated, but I got it any way.
Oh, wow! Here's that two disc set of "THAT THING YOU DO" that I heard about. As a 'sixties garage band nut, you can just imagine how much I like this movie. And here's a two-and-a-half hour "director's cut" of it! Ah, Bliss!
Movie, movies, movies!!!
Now, if I can only find the time to watch them...