Wednesday, June 02, 2021

 We All Tube For YouTube!

I've mentioned my screwing around with old cartoons elsewhere on this blog. Like here.

I burned a bunch of DVD-Rs with my lo-res, embalmed cartoons.  So much for that.

The next logical step was to post them to Your Tube. Duh.

Check Out My Channel via this link!

Here's a video that's suddenly become "popular." 

I used the quotation marks, as certain videos garner millions of views while this one's grabbed a total of 905 views in the past 28 days.  As a small-fry, non-monetized "YouTuber" I'll take it!

As if that wasn't enough, I started a second channel to post original content!

Initially, I figured I'd comb through my old blog posts to "create content" as the kids say.  My first attempt was based on this post:

In this pilot run, I tried out different drawing and audio software to see what would or wouldn't work.

Subsequent videos hewed to a set package of obsolete and open-source programs.  I also bought a super-cheap drawing tablet.

Then my old-timey e-machines pc finally went kaput.

So much for my career as an influencer.

But, hey, if I can re-start this blog, maybe I can get back to my initial plan of YouTube domination?



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