Sunday, November 23, 2008

Between Davey & Goliath and Veggie Tales

... there was Marshall Effron's Illustrated, Simplified and Painless Sunday School.

You see, there was a time when CBS would air christian programming on Sunday mornings as "sustaining" (i.e. non-sponsored") shows.

"Lamp Unto My Feet" springs to mind.

Marshall's no-budget half-hour was so cool! He was the only on-camera person, so he would play all the roles while he'd narrate a bible story. The photo here may or may not have been from this series, but it is an example of how he might have illustrated Noah's 40 day flood.

The stand-out moment for me was a story about people "drawing lots" and Marshall admitted he didn't know what this meant, so used a board game spinner as his "best guess!"

I emailed Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer to ask him if this show was an early influence. He replied that he was not familiar with it.

Anyone else remember this show?


Blogger SCOTT said...

yes, egg. it was a great show. you felt like you knew the guy when you watched. The only reason the show was on the air was because marshall really believed in it and 'willed' it into being. Kind of get the feeling those days are long gone in the entertainment biz.

November 24, 2008 2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope - I remember Davey and Goliath and have watched my share of Veggie Tales with the kids, but never saw this one.

November 24, 2008 8:40 PM  
Blogger Craig D said...

I seem to have pegged the needle on the obscurometer! Though you'll note my brother, SCOTT, remembered it.

Note to SCOTT: Now start a blog, already!

November 26, 2008 12:15 PM  

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